May 13, 2014

47 really

On a day 47 years ago 
just like today 
cloudy chilly with showers forecast 
I had to get up at 6 to call the Mt. Vernon Club to let them know 
whether our reception would be inside
 or outside in the courtyard.
Inside it was, as it was too iffy to be outside.  What a shame. 
 The courtyard was stunning brick with ivy and pretty little tables, but...
it was a good call....

picture of us heading outside to the courtyard 
with our photographer for a wedding shot.

Unlike weddings of today, we had a photographer (and Ceci)
We ended up with one album with just 22 pictures
plus the wedding invitation.
We were given maybe 50 pictures to proof within a week 
and had our lovely white leather album the following week.

No pictures were allowed in the Lady's Chapel in the Cathedral
so no distractions for any of us.
I can easily rememember the wedding ceremony
without picture one.