January 25, 2018

cookie cutter

Statistics and polls are made up of relatively small numbers. 
 Let us start with 

there are 7.9 Billion people on the earth right now. 

  So someone does a study or a poll where 10,000 or 1,000 people
 are followed or tell you what they are doing with health, or voting or whatever. 

No two of us are alike.  
My sisters older and younger are way different than I.
  We live differently, we eat differently, and so on.  
So if three people sharing genes and DNA are unlike 
how can newspapers, pollsters, statisticians etc even begin
 to think we should take their recommendations slightly seriously 

It is like comparing apples and oranges with skunks. 
 It does not compute and is relatively meaningless,
yet we buy into this as if it were the bible...
  Drink coffee, vote for this person, follow this diet, etc etc.
 you will live longer is you do this or don't do this. 

 Good lord, give me a break here.  
No wonder we don't trust or believe 
the powers that be 
for the powers that be are clueless. 
There is no = playing field and if it there was 
there are billions billions of other people who come from different climates, culture, etc. 
they come in different sexes, sizes just to start 
and their lifestyles and DNA vary wildly.

 It tires me.