January 13, 2021

dry humor

 I am not sure many GET my sense of humor.  I am unable to tell a joke, hate slap stick comedy, but I think myself as having a dry sense of humor and enjoy my humor.  There are many who sort of stare at me when I am being humorous and (deep sigh) that is discouraging.  

If you have to explain humor you are dead in the water.  

I have a plastic owl in the field and I move him around to see if the neighbors notice.  Justin named him Raul the Owl.  Someone has added a duck, the Halls perhaps, and that is Chuck the Duck.  So I added a flamingo to the flock.  That is Ferdinand the Flamingo.  I am pondering another addition.  In this time of Covid any diversion seems a positive.  A penguin?  A rooster?  Time will tell.  At any rate we also have a flamingo in the yard.  Ferdinand's love? She is a beauty.