I don't remember my godmother Florence McDonald or my godfather Getto McDonald. Perhaps when I was an infant before returning to MD from CO they visited often or we visited them. Or perhaps they showed up for the Baptism and that was that. What I do remember is year after year after year receiving a Christmas present from them and after the death of Getto, just her. The gift was always nice, but not extravagant. I still have some of them. When I was young I had to write a thank you. It was checked and then sent. As I got older I enjoyed writing the note or letter in thank you. And as an adult, we corresponded and exchanged pictures. How blessed I was to have these people in my life. I cannot find the pictures I had. My creative filing has taken them somewhere. They will reappear in time. They came to my mind because it is Christmas time and although it has been years since Florence died, I still think of her and the excitement of getting something from her. What a beautiful legacy.

People pass though our lives when we are young, middle aged and old.
Some are family or friends or coworkers or neighbors.
They all make an impression on us.
They mold us. Some shape us more than others.
So many of these people have disappeared from my life and this earth.
I do a little exercise every now and again.
Who influenced me the most and how and why?
Who else.
Amazing the answers I come up with and it shifts and changes.