November 22, 2013

new under the sun

"If you want to find out what is new under the sun, walk where you walked yesterday"

This I refound today in a book by Mary Leister written in 1976.  She wrote about nature in the Baltimore Sun.  She walked the same 12 acres with her dog and wrote about what she saw, frogs, mice, trees.  
She felt that the land was imprinted in her heart 
and that she could see the changes in it.
This is how I feel.  
I walk the same land day in day out and it is never boring. 
 How can you know your place unless you are there now. 
 Yesterday's place was not the same. 
 The changes maybe subtle and you may miss them, 
but not one inch is the same.  It is warmer, more full, the light is different.  
I can take pictures of the same things each day or each year, 
but the pictures are never the same.  
Part of it is me, my eye, 
but most of it is my world has changed.