The nest is wonderful space.
Hard to believe two children didn't like or want to use this playhouse.
That is how we got this nifty building.
A friend's 2 kids did not see the magic. Can you believe that? That was 12 years ago.
At the time I felt funny accepting this most incredible gift.
When was the last time someone you hardly knew gave you a building
and brought it over and installed it?
I absolutely love this little space although I do not use it as much
since the yurt and the dome come into my life.
I try to visit each of these spaces each day a little ritual, a little honoring.
All of my spare space is rather remarkable and each is different.
God has blessed me with muchness and I am grateful.
It seems excessive which is why I try to share it with others.
What I find perplexing is that so few take up the offer to share.
Maybe there are lessons and messages in this --
one being many do not feel comfortable without amenities
and many do feel the magic of being close to nature? Perhaps I am wrong.