When I worked at Birthwise and my students were leaving
to go to their preceptors,
I gave each of them a heart with a note
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." Confucius
Years later students would return and tell me they held on to their heart.
Now that made my day and me smile.
And then when I discovered Good News and Random Acts of Kindness
I decided to give hearts to other people.
No rhyme or reason to this just a gut feeling, this person this day.
I decided to give two hearts, one for them to keep and one to pass on to someone
else that they would decide on when the time was right.
Ripple, ripple, Keep it going.
Most times I don't hear what happens, but every now and again I do
and it makes my day and it makes me smile.
Most times I don't hear what happens, but every now and again I do
and it makes my day and it makes me smile.