2012 was not my favorite year.
It did not feel good ~ mostly because
too many of my fellow men have morphed into rather unpleasant beings overall.
I have felt a lack of respect, lack of love and compassion at the very least.
Insanity and ego run rampant. Common sense, civility are lacking.
Not all mankind, but too many to ignore.
2013 I shall step away and not follow the world so closely.
Rather difficult with media at hand here there and everywhere.
I can't change things -I have tried.
If I step back and miss a few of these episodes
maybe I won't end up adding my negative energy to the pool.
So here is to~
2013 a year of love, peace, compassion, caring and FUN.
I truly believe God intended life to be fun, enjoyed, light, heaven on earth.
Smiles, happiness, gratefulness, silliness, magical, uplifting, but mostly FUN.
AND maybe
if I/we do this, fill our lives with love, peace compassion caring and FUN
we can change the world this year.