October 15, 2012

different trees

we are blessed with trees.  I can not imagine how many trees we "own".  I feel that own is not a good word.  Caretake feels and sounds better.  Tree above is our Grandmother Maple in the lower fields and she is incredibly beautiful and words fail me in a description.  She lives near the river and we have kayaked in the fall in her branches when the river floods. An Elder, wise and seasoned.
The other tree is in our fields in one of my many sit spots.  It is a beautiful birch.  

I sit with trees. Better yet I talk with trees.   I learned about tree speak years ago.  It is when one asks a tree a question.  Extremely important to phrase the question properly, concisely or you will not get an answer.  

I cut down some trees so others will flourish and that is something I pray over for I am taking the life of one that another will grow, thrive.  It is not something one does lightly.  Is there a right or wrong in this?  I feel that the God in me, and yes god is in me and you and the tree and rocks, allows me to make the decision that is right.

today my dog was trying to eat an acorn.  A tree in the seed which could become in a hundred years another Elder Mother tree.  Do you have any idea how many acorns there are? Nature is absolutely remarkable.  So many trees each growing into their potential if allowed.