December 9, 2020
Ruby Sue you have got to be kidding!
So 2020 meant the lost of two old furry friends, our Shunka in February and our Wooley Bear in April. It also meant the loss of a way of life because of the disease that decided to take over the world, our world. It also meant we started anew with a cat who was a pig in a poke so to speak. This black and white long haired Tuxedo cat from Responsible Pet Shelter in Norway. I saw her nose in the blanket and her tail and after viewing or slightly viewing a number of cats I made the decision based on her tail that she would be our new family member. She was officially Ruby Sue till half way home I found a name I could live with that sounded sort of like her name..... Rugula, aka Scatter Rug.
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She is a scared cat who has come a long way from her blanketed arrival in 90 degree temps in June till now in December she is semi scared cat. She is better with me, but ever with me she has many moments of terror.
We saved her from a cage in a shelter. She is not outside so I feel she is still sort of caged, but she doesn't know that. Her life is good and she obviously was meant for us. The question with rescues is always Who saved Whom?
March 4, 2020
good day to die
The Native Americans have a saying It is a good day to die. I woke up Friday morning with that saying in my head. I had to go look it up as I had forgotten its origin. Friday was the day we had scheduled Dr. Caffrey to come and euthanize Shunka so it was a fitting thing to flit through my head as it was his day to die and it was a good day. How hard that is to consider, to say and to do. It is not something one does casually. Time has been working against Shunka. He had grown worse with his walking and was having issues getting up and down it and frustrated him. He was staggering, crab walking and falling and he was afraid on occasions. It was his fear that really made me make the decision. Living in fear is not living. At any rate, Dr Caffrey arrived and calmly helped Shunka out of his pain and into the other world. It was painful for us before, during, and after, but Shunka is in a better place and we are returning to normal after months of not normal. I find I need to walk, and walk. My healing. I have rewalked our last walks and there are tracks and tracks, and memories. The tracks will disappear in time, the memories fade, but still will remain. He is here in spirit along with all our other four footed. His ashes will return and I shall spread them under all his many evergreens. That makes me happy and teary. We are learning to live with the big empty and we will adjust as we will move on to whatever comes next.
February 27, 2020
a different day
It is Feburary and a dark and messy day and I am sitting with my old boy in our basement condo listening to music. He is sitting watching nothing. Our last day together.